Custom 1

Specification Of Oil Product
Given Below The Spec Of Fuel Oil,Base Oil,D2 & Crude Oil.

Ammonia NH3 - Specification
Weight 17.03%
Melting point 33.4%
Purity 99.7%
Moisture 0.003%
Oil content (PPM) 0.00005%

Spec CST-180
Description STD In Fact
1) density @ 20 Degree C Kg/M3 0.9195
2) Flash point in open light C not higher 110 179
3) Maintenance of VKSH absence absence
4) Viscosity @ 80 degree C by Vu, Not more 16.0 3.6
5) Accordingly viscosity cinematic M2 C (ST) 118-10-6(118) 20.7
6) Ash % not more 0.05 absence
7) Harden point C not higher 25.0 + 15
8) Mass share of mechanical mix not more 1.0 absence
9) Mass share of sulpher % not more 3.5 3.00
10) Mass of water absence absence
11) Heat of composition the lowest in count of dry fuel 9500 9500

- Mid December
- Price Med Platte.

Base oil (SN 500)
Specification Test Method

1- Appearance clear homogenius visual
And free from impurities

2- Colour 3.0 max D 1500
3- Flash point C 225 min D 92
4- Cloud pint C + 4 max D 97
5- Pour point C - 4 max D 97
6- Kin. Vis. @ 100 C CST 125 min D 445
7- Kin . vis @ 40 C CST to be reported D 445
8- Viscosity index 90 min D 2270
9- Specific gravity @ 60/ 60 F to be reported D 1298

Fuel oil CST-380 , Gost 10585-75
Normal in fact
- Density @ 90 Deg C Kg3 1.015 0.9395
- Viscosity @ 80 Deg C by Vu, not more 16.0 24
- Accordingly viscosity Kinomatik M2 CST 118 4.0
- Ash w% not more 0.14 absence
- Harden point, C not higher 25 25
- Flash point in the open tigle C, nigh higher 110 150
- Mass share of mechanical ad
mixtures not more 1.5 absence
- Maintenance of VKSH absence absence
- Mass share of shulpher % not more 3.5 3.00
- Water absence absence
- Heat of combustion the lower
coont of dry fuel 9500 9500

Furnace oil , Code of product : (MG 30 Zift Binder K.S.)
Property RESULT Method
Flash point C 38 Min TS1080/ASTM D3143
Sp. Gr. @ 60/60 F 0.880 – 1.09
SSF at 25 C
Kinetic, cSt at 60 C
75 – 150
30 – 60
TS 117/ASTM D88
TS 1093/ASTM D2170
Distillation Test :
Distillation, Percent by Volume of
Total distillate to 360 C
to 225 C
to 260 C
to 316 C

75-93 TS 122/ASTM D 402
Solubility in trichloroethylene, wt % 99.0 Min TS 1090/ ASTM D 2042
Water content, wt % 0.2 - 0.6 Max TS 124/ASTM D 99

Naptha Specification , Straight run method
Colour clear water white
Density @ 15.C 0.68 – 0.73 IP 180 / 87
IP 123/ 84
Distillation range C
10% HS – 97
50% 80 - 115
E & P 100

Total Sulp (RPM wt` 150 max IP 107/ 86
PARA FFINS % vol 75 max
OLE FINS % vol 1.5 max IP 129/87
Napthenes % vol 35 max
Aromatics % vol 12.5 max IP/156/84
Red vapour kg/ cm g 2 0.7 max IP
Pressure (RVP) 57.88
Residue on Evaporation Mg - 100 5.0 max
Lead ppb w/w 5.0 max IP - 224/
Chloride ppb w/w 10.0 max
C/H ratio 5.5 - 5.75 max
Calorfic value kcal/ kg 1100 min

Custom 2

Specification Of Oil Product
Given Below The Spec Of Fuel Oil,Base Oil,D2 & Crude Oil.
Specification of D-2 Gas Oil (Arabian Gulf) Recovered @150 degree C % vol T.B.R.
Recovered @ 300 degree C % vol T.B.R.
Recovered @ 357 degree C (max) % vol 90
F B P (max) degree C 385
Density @ 15 degree C Kg/L 0.820-0.860
Colour (max) ---- 3
Flash point (min) degree C 54
Sulpher total (max) % max 1.0
Viscosity kinematic @ 37.8 degreeC min 2/5 2.0 – 5.5
Cloud point (max) degree C 1.5
Pour Print (max) degree C - 4
Carbon residue (max) % mass 0.10
Ash (max) % mass 0.01
Water & sediment (max) % vol 0.05
Cetan index (min) ------- 50

Russina orgin gas oil , Gost 305 – 82 Component Unit Min Result max.

Density @ 20 degree C kg M3 0.870
Colour 2.0
Flash point PMCC degree C 57 62
Kinetic Viscosity @ degree C SST 3.0 6.0
Poor point degree C (degree) - 10.0
Cloud degree C (degree) - 5.0
Mercaptan Sulpher 0.01
Acidity , mg/ 1000 CM3 5
Iodine number g/100g 6
Ash % wt 0.01
Total sulpher % wt 0.02
Copper corrosion (3Hrs @ 50 degree C IA
CCR on 10% residues % wt 46
Distillation range
50 % recovered volume degree C 280
90 % recoved volume degree C 360
Bacterian MBC fibre / lt 500
Bacteria CFU fibre / lt 1000

Summer from March to October (PP -5.0 degrees C)
Summer from March to October (CPO degrees C)
Winter from Novermber to February (PP – 10.0 degrees C)
Winter from November to February (CP – 5.0 degrees C)
 Arabian Gulf Light crude oil , Specification Test Units Average
API gravity 33-34
HVP @ 37.8 C degree P31 7.6-7.5
Salt content mg/ L 7.20
Viscosity @ 37.8 C degree CSt 4.20
Viscosity @ 40 C degree CST 4 max
Viscosity @ 50 C degree CST 3.10
SAW content % vol 0.05 max
Carbon residues (rams) % Wt 4.60
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) PP 0.01
Total sulpher content % wt 1.00 to 1.70
Ash content % wt 0.01
Asphalence % wt 0.84
Vanadium content PPM 25.00 max
Nickel content PPM 1.0 max
Iron PPM 3 max
Nitrogen 1200 max
Water content nil nil
Pour point C 9 to 10
Total acidity Mg/Kg Hg 0.050 max
War content % wt 3 nett
IRP IC 47.0
Recovery @ 50 C % vol 0.4
Recovery @ 75 C % vol 4.7
Recovery @ 100 C % vol 0.3
Recovery @ 125 C % vol 12.3
Recovery @ 160 C % vol 17.3
Recovery @ 175 C % vol 23.3
Recovery @ 200 C % vol 26.3
Recovery @ 225 C % vol 33.3
Recovery @ 250 C % vol 39.0
Recovery @ 275 C % vol 46.6
Recovery @ 300 C % vol 51.4
Total destilation % vol 54.3
Total residue % vol 43.7
Lose % vol 2.0